Research - sdsim Project

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This page is intended for hosting "SDSIM" which stands for "Software Development Simulation"
as my personal area of interest. Following sections within this web page would outline a set of
steps for finding a specific research topic and its related steps fro producing three main documents:
  1. Research Protocol
    This is a formal document that has to be completed for having "UAG" Thesis/Research committee
    authorization on a valid research topic. This must be completed before starting formal "Master Thesis"
    work. We will be covering three main steps for finding and formalizing a "research topic title" as
    showed below:
    Step I - Defining a working framework (Student's framework).
    • Topics of interest: Software Engineering, Modeling and simulation, Software Development, Project Management.
    • Personal Abilities: Systems Programming, Object Oriented Analysis, Design, Programming, Internetworking, Technical Writing.
    • Availability: 16 hrs a week including weekends.
    • Resources: Internet Access, Personal Web page, Personal Computer, OS (Windows XP and Linux),  Development Tools, ACM & IEEE libraries.
    • Working Style: I prefer to work independently most of the time but no problems for team working sometimes.
    Step II - Looking for potential research references and bibliography.
    Step III - Determining research theme/Topic
    • Potential reference list of papers. Selected for Paper's review presentation. -> TBD
    • Thesis protocol document template. -> Ms Word
    • Thesis protocol Final for Thesis committee ** Oct 31, 2004 **  -> finalProtocol.doc
  2. Research Paper/article
    "IASTED" formatting instructions. -> html; Final manuscripts Template. -> Ms Word
    "SDSIM: A Framework of Simulation for Component-Based Software Development"
  3. Master Thesis
    Thesis work will be outlined here, we will be initially using Ms Word thesis
    template ->ThesisTemplate.doc
    Here it is also a very helpful guide for formatting a thesis document
    The plan is to work on the Master Thesis document in parallel with research paper
    work so We have started the thesis document after face to face meeting with Professor
    Ubaldo in Guadalajara this October 31st, 2004.
Researchers and collaborators:
  • Fidel A. Vanegas , MCS R&D Lab, Hewlett Packard de Mexico. Department of Computer Science, UAG.
  • Mutsuo Yashima Phd, Department of Computer Science, UAG.
  • Jesus U. Quevedo Phd , Department of Computer Science, Houston University.
  • Stephen Huang Phd , Department of Computer Science, Houston University.